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Increasing Prosperity Through Our Environmental & Historic Assets

Bertie County is "A Peninsula With A Future".  This UNCTV Exploring North Carolina episode reacquaints us with our surroundings. Bertie is blessed with a treasure trove of natural resources that can be the foundation for new forms of economic development.      


In rural places, hunting, fishing, and camping have spurred business growth.  


The brightest prospects, though, still lie ahead.  Rural communities that develop amenities to complement their natural and historic assets are in the best position to reap new economic benefits from this booming industry.   

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Word Bubble result from citizen survey last fall. What's a "word bubble"?

The size indicates many citizens used that word. Waterscape was mentioned the most. 

Our goal is to responsibly promote Bertie's assets to open new opportunities for business creation and expansion, provide a variety of career choices, create diverse job possibilities, and incubate downtown revitalization - all to improve our quality of life.

Targeted Steps:

  • Phase I: Develop A Destination Brand - Current 

    • Survey completed December 2022​

    • Brand Message draft presented by DBD Planning 3/25/23

    • Brand/logo concept boards being prepared for review

  • Phase II: Travel & Tourism Master Planing Start Date Current

  • Establish A Travel & Tourism Board Current 

  • Downtown Revitalization Workshops Current and Ongoing

  • Create 

  • Marketing Materials   

Destination Bertie!
Travel & Tourism in Bertie County 

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What Is Rural Tourism?

Project Background

Rural tourism is where travelers from other places come to an area for leisure or to experience a rural lifestyle and culture. 

There are three main categories:

  • Ecotourism, also known as nature-based tourism, is based on activities like visiting natural areas to enjoy the scenery, rivers, forests, and wildlife.  

  • Heritage tourism in rural areas may include activities such as visiting historic churches, monuments, and activities related to history, art, or archaeological sites. 

    • Tuscaroras - Indian Woods

    • Museum at Roanoke Cashie River Center

    • Windsor Craftsman and Farmers Museum

    • Russell's Back in the Day Museum

    • Hope Mansion and the King-Bazemore House

  • Agritourism is where tourists visit farms, participate in courses in gardening, wineries, or agricultural product processing; visit agricultural exhibitions and flower festivals for the purpose of entertainment or education. Some real-life Bertie examples are:

    • Bertie County Peanuts and Baker's Peanuts

    • Farm Sweet Farm Finds

    • Windsor Farmers Market

    • Pick Your Own at Perry's Produce and Bertie County Berries

December 2021, Bertie County Commissioners voted to advance Travel & Tourism as a core economic development activity as outlined in Blueprint for Bertie in 2015 and recently in NC Land of Water's 2020 From Rivers to Sounds in the Bertie Water Crescent: A Water-Based Vision for Sustainable Eco-Tourism and Environmental Education.

January 2022, Steering Committee forms to help guide the process. 

February 2022, Bertie hires  Destination By Design, Inc. for help with Destination Branding & Identity Design.  Funding by USDA Rural Development - Technical Assistance. 

March 2022, Steering Committee begins seeking input.

May 2022, Bertie County selected to participate in The Rural Community Capacity (RC2) program, a pilot initiative from the Commerce Department.

Read More

June 22, 2022

RC2 Virtual Training for Bertie Municipalities, Destination Marketing Groups, and Downtown Revitalization.


Topic: RC2 June 22: 3rd Session (9am - 4pm)

Recording to be posted.


August 25, 2022

August - December 2022

The Destination Bertie Team sent surveys to citizens via facebook, email sharing, and water bills. 17% responded which is high!  


HandMade in America Small Towns program, View the case studies: view them here

Read About Handmade in America's initiative on Creative Economies in rural towns. 


What is a Brand?

What is a Brand? An artistic representation or logo that tells the viewer about you. It is used for marketing a service or business.  A region creates a Brand as part of its economic development strategy.


How can a Brand benefit Bertie's economy?  The Brand will attract travelers who are interested in our "assets". Once here, visitors will need lodging and food. They will also want to experience new activities, visit historic downtowns,  and buy something unique.  This need creates small business opportunities, and cottage industries, and can support expansion for existing businesses. 

Developing A Brand: Next Steps

Step 1: Develop A Brand
  1. Outreach via this website and social media to gather input and start the planning process. Prepare for the DBD Planning visit on April 25,26,27.

  2. DBD visit 25-27 - tour the County, photograph, visit key assets, talk with core stakeholders. 

  3. Steering Committee sends surveys to the public.

  4. November - DBD provides draft options.

To learn more or join the mailing list please send us an email or contact any of the steering committee members listed below. 

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Project Coordinator:

Robin Payton Payne

Government Consultant

Bertie County, NC

(252) 588-2318

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Action Plan

Eric Woolridge
President, Principal Planner
Destination by Design
(828) 386-1866

Project Oversight Committee 

Dr. Otis Smallwood, Kimberly Cooper, Dr. Michael White, Joe Huff, Lewis Hoggard, Nicole Outlaw,

Carol Mizelle, Heather Ann Lawicki, Nayland Collier, Clara Molina, Ronald Rascoe, Robin Payne.

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